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Inner Peace & Your Environment

“Environment is the invisible hand that shapes human behavior.” By James Clear.

With a passion for psychology, I have studied a wealth of research on how environment affects the human body, mind, and nervous system. In fact, this area of scientific research goes back to one of the first branches of psychology, which was theorized and founded in 1936, by Psychologist Kurt Lewin. This branch of psychology was called Topological Psychology. With today’s awareness shifting more towards health and healing, this information is paramount to creating inner peace and stability within the bodies ecosystem.

Today, with all scientific abilities to measure and collect data gives us an advantage. We can see how certain factors alter chemicals in our body and can affect the mind, mood, and behavior.   I’m sharing research I’ve collected in regard to how humans are affected by environmental factors. I graduated from St. Catherine University in 2020 with my BA in Mental Health Psychology. Studying environmental Psychology was a specific focus while attaining my degree. Our environment includes everything from what we eat, to the influence of sound, to the room we are standing in and whom we share the space with. The focus of these studies is specific environment and anxiety.

Foods that contribute to anxiety:

·       Caffeine (energy drinks/lattes/specialty drinks)

·       Gluten (found in bread products)

·       Artificial colors/flavors

·       Candy/ Sugary snacks

·       Processed foods (including some meats)

·       Fried food (fast food)

·       Pastries/donuts/baked goods high in sugar

·       Sweetened beverages (pop, fruit juices, etc. )


Foods which have calming effects on the nervous system:

·       Wholegrain Oatmeal

·       Sweet Potatoes

·       Chamomile Tea (non-caffeinated herbal tea)

·       Dark Chocolate

·       Leafy Greens

·       Berries

·       Avocados

·       Bananas

·       Eggs

·       Fish/ Salmon

·       Asparagus

·       Nuts & Seeds

·       Turkey

·       Brown Rice

·       Water

·       Rishi Mushroom Tea or Elixir

Environmental factors that can cause anxiety:

  • Subtle Environmental Noise: if you live next to a busy highway, airport, railroad track, or noisy factory this can cause stress to your subconscious. You may not even notice the noise on a conscious level, but your body will be sensing and responding to the environmental noise.

  • Direct Environmental Noise: Ever notice how you feel when you watch the news? The TV is a source of sound and influence. It can trigger feelings of unnecessary uneasiness and worry. Music also has the same impact. Imagine if you were in an elevator and it was playing rock music that you did not enjoy, and you had fifteen floors to go. You probably can’t wait until that door opens. Sound has frequencies which can impact mood and behavior. There are sounds that calm the body, just as there are sounds that trigger anxiety or other feelings.

  • Artificial Fragrances: Outlet Air fresheners have been scientifically proven to alter the chemicals in the brain, affecting the nervous system. Specifically, in relation to ADHD.

  • Perfumes/Colognes: Artificial fragrances affect the neurotransmitters in the brain, which alters serotonin and dopamine chemicals in the body. When these natural chemicals are altered, it impacts the nervous system and can lead to anxiety, depression, headaches, and brain fog. It can even alter your sex hormones.

  • Toxic People in your Environment: When you feel uneasy with people around you, this can affect your nervous system. Maybe they are always angry, upset, or creating drama. Your body is not able to relax and feel comfortable. Instead, your awareness is heightened, and you feel on guard.

  • Cleanliness and Colors: If your space is cluttered, your mind will feel cluttered. Our external environment affects our internal environment. Colors influence our emotions. Be aware of the colors in your environment and how they are making you feel. For example, if you have a wall painted bright red you will most likely not be able to relax since red relates to anger and excitement and can increase a person’s heart rate and energy levels.



Creating an Environment to support a sense of inner peace:

  • Essential Oils are one of the best natural options. You can use Eucalyptus, orange, or lemon oils for uplifting your mood, or lavender and sage to promote a calming effect. Incense are also great to smell and transmute energy.

  • Essential oil or flower essence or essential oil rollers are a healthy option to use as a natural perfume.

  • Tidy up your space. Having a clean space can make your mind and body more relaxed.

  • Choose colors that promote peace and serenity in your environment.

  • Use Plants, water, the elements to keep the energy of your space clean. One of the best plants to use to transmute heavy energy is the Sansevieria (snake plant). I have many in my house, yoga studio, and healing space.

  • Play relaxing music instead of the TV. The vibrations of music are frequencies that can help relax your body, mind, and nervous system.

  • Choose who you spend your time with. Weather that is in your house or out in public, be choosy about who you share your energy with. Does this person empower you (give you energy) or disempower you (make you feel tired or stressed).


My studies in environmental psychology have been eye-opening. Awareness changes everything. What we expose our bodies can affect us on many levels. Now that you have the awareness and knowledge, you can start shifting things in your environment that will have positive effects on calming your nervous system. This can ultimately create more harmony. I support you in taking your next steps towards inner peace.



Laura Lee

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